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Finding Strength to Move Towards Freedom: A Jewish & Buddhist Conversation

  • Beit Midrash Zoom Classroom zoom link sent to registrants (map)

a conversation with

Reb Judith Goleman and Basha Hirschfeld

We often find ourselves in tight places that restrict us and do not allow us to express our true selves. Join Reb Judith and Basha in discussing ways that the traditions of Buddhism and Judaism offer us methods for movement toward freedom.

Join Reb Judith and Basha in a conversation discussing these different approaches to a spiritual life.

Rabbinic Pastor Judith Goleman, MFT, is a chaplain and also has a private practice in individual and couple counseling. As teenager she fell in love with the joyous tales of the Hasidic Rabbis of the 18th century, who saw God as the deep nature of everything in Creation (including us in our true potential). As an adult she encountered this spirit in the Jewish Renewal movement, and was ordained as a Rabbinic Pastor in this spiritual approach. It also informs her psychotherapy practice.

Barbara (Basha) Hirschfeld has been a student of Buddhism for over 25 years, and of Judaism all her life. She is one of a few lucky students of Ani Pema Chodron and through her of the Shambhala lineage, as first taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She teaches meditation in the North Bay at various venues and owns and runs a retreat space in west Sonoma County called “Open Sky Retreat Space.” Her favorite thing is to bring together the two wisdom traditions, and to explore how her Buddhist training can inform her Jewish faith.