
Spiritual Life

Our Lineage and Values

Ner Shalom is affiliated as a Reconstructionist synagogue. The Reconstructionist Movement, now called “Reconstructing Judaism”, was founded in 1955 by philosopher and theologian, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan. Reconstructionism is marked by a view of Judaism as an unfolding civilization, an insistence on non-anthropomorphic God language, a rejection of "chosenness", and a deep engagement in social justice and equality. (The first bat mitzvah in America was that of Kaplan's own daughter.) Take a look at Reconstructing Judaism's mission statement in the video to the right!

Our ritual practice at Ner Shalom draws heavily from the insights and style of the Jewish Renewal Movement, with roots back to the 1960s, spearheaded and centralized by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in the 1990s. The Jewish Renewal Movement brings the spiritual practices and experiences of Kabbalah and Chasidism into the ritual engagement of modern, progressive Jews. At Ner Shalom, you will notice the use of niggunim (wordless melodies), Hebrew chants, meditation, visualization, joyous dance and other modalities for direct experience of the Divine during ritual. These are all the contributions of the Jewish Renewal Movement.

Painting by Leiah Bowden.

Painting by Leiah Bowden.

Ner Shalom is a welcoming community that strives to be "radically inclusive." Our membership includes interfaith families, LGBTQI folk, people of color, people with disabilities, Sephardi, Ashkenazi and Mizrachi Jews, and people who do not come from Jewish backgrounds who find connection and resonance with what we do.

We will use whatever pronoun you ask us to use.

We will not ask you if you are Jewish or how you became Jewish unless there’s an exciting story there you would like us to know.

We insist on a scent-free policy so that Ner Shalomers with environmental illness can have unfettered access to our rituals and activities.

We support families who have children with special needs and maintain a community value of non-shushing.

Many of our members are returning to Judaism after spiritual searches in other traditions, so we work to keep our rituals engaging and accessible, without requiring previous detailed knowledge of Jewish texts or Hebrew language. Our spiritual direction is set in large part by the work of our Kavanah Committee, headed up by Reb Irwin.


Habitual Ritual

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Under the leadership of our Rabbi and Spiritual Leader, Reb Irwin Keller, Ner Shalom seeks to respond to the evolving spiritual needs of our growing community. We welcome Shabbat together with joy, music and learning; supported by the talented Good Shabbos Band. We enjoy Reb Irwin's inspiring drashot (teachings) on Torah and transformation, which can also be read here or listened to here. On roughly the last Saturday of the month, we hold a Shabbat morning service with Torah leyening and learning. We hold weekly Torah study on Shabbat mornings when we do not have a service.

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We gather as a community to mark important moments in the rhythm of the Jewish year. We joyously celebrate Chanukah, Simchat Torah and Purim. We hold an annual creative Passover Seder. We mark Tisha B'Av and join in the countywide commemoration of Yom Hashoah. And we celebrate the High Holy Days in very deep, creative and transformative ways every year.  Many members of Ner Shalom are musicians, poets and artists who bring their gifts to bear in our varied rituals.

On High Holy Days (and other times) we often read Torah using a method called Storahtelling, that involves live translation, theatrical elements and group engagement, in which new midrash, or creative insight, is developed. Storahtelling was developed by Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie in the early 2000s.

During the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions on travel, we held Shabbat services every week via Zoom, as well as Shabbat morning Torah study or a Shabbat morning minyan. As we emerged, we have been busier and offering more than ever. We offer in-person Sabbath services at the shul twice a month and every Friday on Zoom. Be sure to look at the calendar and also get on our email list.

Politics and Spirit

Under the leadership of Tzedek: The Ner Shalom Social Justice Action Committee, Ner Shalom has responded to injustice in our community and nation with education and opportunity for action. Our Social Justice Café has offered networking, organizing and learning opportunities around immigrant rights. Tzedek has also collaborated on projects fighting voter suppression. Ner Shalom is a co-founder of “Of One Soul,” an initiative of the Interfaith Coalition of Sonoma County that works to protect the safety and dignity of the Muslim community. Ner Shalom also participates in the Clergy Caucus of the North Bay Organizing Project. In 2020, Ner Shalom launched congregational learning on fighting racism, and examining its own practices for bias. It is also Ner Shalom’s function to provide spiritual support and ritual in response to events of note happening in our nation and around the world. To be notified of emergency gatherings and vigils, get on our email list.

Building Community

ner shalom reb irwin keller cotati ca

Ner Shalom works to build community inside and outside of our historic building. Our Nitzanim Program offers a wide range of Jewish experience and bonding for families with young children. Our Band of Angels (Caring Committee) addresses the needs of Ner Shalom members who are ill, isolated, in crisis or who have chronic needs. And our Fun Committee offers some new social programming, just for fun, such as multi-generational bowling parties.

Life Cycle

The Ner Shalom community is proud to welcome young people into the community as b.mitzvah. We hold weddings and baby namings at Ner Shalom as the happy need arises.

We also provide support in the case of the death of a member or a close loved one. Our spiritual leadership team is available to officiate funerals and minyanim in a shivah house. Ner Shalom has a progressive cemetery in Sebastopol reflecting our living community's principles of inclusion.

Community Hub

Ner Shalom continues to be a hub of activity in our community. Ner Shalom also leans into the history of the building as the Cotati Cabaret by producing concerts meant both to help fund Ner Shalom and to create larger community to give life to our building and to support our programs. Ner Shalom "Big Night Out" performers have included Naomi Newman, Barbara Higbie, Linda Hirschhorn, Daniel Cainer, Mostly Kosher, The Kinsey Sicks, Zoe Lewis, and Holly Near.