Facilitated by Shoshana Fershtman
Tu Bishvat is a delightful eco-kabbalistic Holy Day honoring the New Year of the Trees. It is first recorded in Talmud and was a key celebration of the medieval mystics of Safed. Each year, we honor the rebirth of the Cosmic Tree of Life. We also celebrate and honor our Mother Earth, and the miraculous tree beings that support all life on the planet. And, as each of us is a tree of life connected to the Cosmic Tree, this is also an opportunity for our own rebirth and renewal.
In this class, using a combination of text study and experiential learning, we will engage in a psychospiritual journey to explore the meaning of a core symbol of kabbalah, the Cosmic Tree of Life. Open to beginners and those with experience in kabbalistic study and meditation.
Please register at least two hours before the class to receive the Zoom address.
For questions or help accessing the class, contact learning@nershalom.org.
We hope you will also join our Tu Bishvat Seder led by Reb Irwin Keller and Shoshana Fershtman on Wednesday, January 27th at 6:30 pm.
Dr. Shoshana Fershtman is a Jungian analyst and psychologist and a member of the spiritual leadership team at Ner Shalom. Her forthcoming book, The Mystical Exodus: Transforming Trauma and the Wellsprings of Renewal will be published in March 2021.