POSTPONED. Look for a new date in 2022.
A Zoom Mini-Retreat
with Rabbi Irwin Keller
Noon–2 AND 3–5 pm
Shabbat is a core element and practice in Jewish tradition. Some of us think of it simply as a day of unreasonable restrictions and austerity. But our tradition sees it as a fulfillment of Creation. An embodiment of the divine Shekhinah. A taste of the World to Come. A time of a holy conjugal visit between the Holy One and Shekhinah. Join Reb Irwin for a day of text study, contemplation, movement, music, and mystical experience that will open new doors for personal relationship with Shabbat.
Rabbi Irwin Keller has been Ner Shalom's Spiritual Leader since 2008 and in January 2021 was ordained as a rabbi in the lineage of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z’l and the Renewal movement. Click here to read about this journey.
Reb Irwin’s most visible past work focused on LGBT and HIV advocacy: Reb Irwin authored Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Ordinance, in effect since 1989. He later served as staff attorney and executive director of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel of the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2014 he retired from show biz after 21 years as a comedian-actor-singer-writer with the acclaimed Kinsey Sicks, America's Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet.
Reb Irwin is also a founder and steward of the Taproot Community, a program activists, organizers and artists to be Jewish ritualists.