Led by Reb Irwin Keller
First Wednesday of Each Month
We will launch the new year by coming back to the problems of translation. Can you translate secular literature into Yiddish without making the characters Jewish in the process? For this discussion we will look at an excerpt of the 2020 translation Heri Poter un der Filosofisher Shteyn, rendered in Yiddish by Arun Schaechter Viswanath.
A monthly Zoom gathering to read the work of Yiddish writers in the original; translate together; discuss, laugh and enjoy. And miraculously, no previous Yiddish knowledge is required. Join us!
Please register using the button above. We gather on Zoom and you will receive the Zoom address upon registration. Registration also gives you the opportunity to make a donation to support this program.
The link for this gathering will be sent to you in the weekly Ner Shalom eBlast. If you are not on our email list and would like to be, sign up here.
See you then. It will be a mekhayeh!