Bylaws revision
The Board of Directors reviewed and are proposing a new draft of the current Bylaws. The draft is linked here with the proposed changes highlighted. A summary of the changes are below.
When we schedule a vote of the membership to approve the new draft, we will provide you with advance notice.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
Article 1, Section 1, first paragraph – Replacing Reconstruction Federation with Reconstructing Judaism
Article 2, Section 3, first paragraph – Deleted “For the annual meeting of members, absentee ballots, where permitted, shall be sent with the notice of the meeting.”
Article 2, Section 5, first paragraph – Deleted “A written absentee ballot signed by the member shall be counted if delivered to the Board member presiding over themeeting before the close of voting.”
Article 3, Section 1, first paragraph – Deleted the word “Youth.”
Article 3, Section 6, Title – Changed title to say, “Youth Board Member”
Article 3, Section 6 – Changed all references to Youth to, “Youth Board Member.”
Article 3, Section 6, first paragraph, second line – added the word, “youth” to the sentence starting with “To provide…”
Article 3, Section 6, second paragraph – added, “in accordance with California Law,” to the last sentence.
Article 3, Section 8, first paragraph, added language-defining use of virtual meetings.
Article 4, Section 5, after the second paragraph – added, “The President shall be an ex-officio member of every committee except the Nominating Committee.
Article 4, Section 7, number 5, end of first sentence – added, “or at such other place as the Board may determine.”
Article 4, Section 7, number 8, last sentence – added, “or the President.”
Article 4, Section 8, number 1 – Deleted language in number 1 and replaced it with, “Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for all funds, securities and brokerage accounts.”
Article 4, Section 8, number 3, first and last sentences – added, “The Treasurer or their designee shall…” Removed the word, “And” and added, “The Treasurer or their designee shall deposit all funds or cause to be deposited, in the name of the corporation in such banks or their depositories shall be selected by the Board of Directors.” Removed the words, brokerage firms.”
Article 4, Section 8, item #9, end of paragraph - added policy language about spending overages.
Article 5, Section 2, first paragraph – Deleted, “In addition, the Board of Directors shall, by a majority vote of Directors, designate the one other Director (who may also be serving as an officer of this corporation) and two members in good standing who are not Directors to constitute a Nominating Committee.”
Other changes are related to formatting, fixing outline numbers and adding lines for director signatures.