Tzedek: Social Justice Action Committee
Our Statement:
Tzedek, the Hebrew word meaning justice, is the Social Justice Action arm of Congregation Ner Shalom. Jewish social justice is a way to respond to the brokenness of our world and to inform that work with Jewish knowledge and insights. Central to Jewish practice is the principle of tikkun olam, to repair the world –– working to transform suffering and pursue justice, in alignment with core values of compassion and equity. For Jews to fully live our justice values, we believe that we must involve ourselves with those who are in need now. By being social justice advocates we try to listen to those who are suffering—hear their stories, become connected with their pain and then help by standing up with them and for them.
Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdof - Justice, Justice shall we pursue.
Make a Difference:
Contact Your Senators to Get The For the People's Act to the Senate Floor for a Vote.
Fair Fight’s immediate call to action to volunteers is to call your Senators every day this month at 888-453-3211 to ask them to do everything they can to get the For the People Act to the Senate floor for a vote! Calls are counted by each Senator’s office, so a deluge of calls supporting allowing a debate on the For the People Act is important!
We aim to add new actions frequently so that you can choose the actions that speak to you.
Previous actions include:
Voting Matters
National Week of Conversation
The Franklin Project dedicated to promoting true American values of democracy.
Countering the Campaign to Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom.
Actions Against Voter Suppression
Support the Supportive Georgia Businesses
Run For Something!!
Central Valley Matters: Growing the Grassroots
Our Neighbors matter
Gratitude to our neighbors of Santa Rosa's Congregation Shomrei Torah whose active Social Action Committee complements our own. For more information about Shomrei Torah’s Social Action Committee click here.
tzedek and racial justice
Artwork by Susie Miller
Ner Shalom’s Tzedek work aims to educate our community to the various issues that are contemporary and relevant to transforming an unjust society. This page is provided as a way to connect with our activities and hopefully to engage with us in some way. Click here for a list of resources to further your path as a racial justice advocate
the april 2021 verdict:
We acknowledge that the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd is only one small step toward creating equal justice. The system worked this time, but racism still lives deep in the fabric of our society. Since testimony began on March 29, at least 64 people have died at the hands of law enforcement nationwide, with Black and Latino people representing more than half of the dead. As of April 17, the country has averaged more than three police killings a day.
We commit to ending systemic racism, police violence and inequality. We envision, advocate for and work towards a world where every human is treated justly before the law. All life is sacred.
Ner Shalom is committed to fighting racism, as was articulated in our Statement Honoring the Shloshim of George Floyd.
Ner Shalom’s Tzedek work has encompassed a range of important issues. Our Social Justice Cafés have explored Jewish progressive history and highlighted local grassroots organizations, local immigrant and refugee rights programs, and countering voter suppression efforts. Ner Shalom has taken an active role in interfaith organizing in support and defense of the American Muslim community through our leadership in the "Of One Soul" campaign of the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County. Ner Shalom holds an annual collection of food goods for Redwood Empire Food Bank. In 2016 we collected warm clothes to send to the water protectors at Standing Rock. And in 2017 we hosted Ali Abu Awwad, an important figure in the Palestinian Non-Violence Movement. We have also hosted a program on progressive programs in Israel through “J Street.” In the future we hope to address prison rights and homelessness, and other pressing issues.